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- d/ Affordable and Clean Energy
- d/ Clean Water and Sanitation
- d/ Climate Action
- d/ Decent Work and Economic Growth
- d/ Gender Equality
- d/ Good Health and Well-being
- d/ Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
- d/ Life Below Water
- d/ Life on Land
- d/ No Poverty
- d/ Partnerships to achieve the Goal
- d/ Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
- d/ Quality Education
- d/ Reduced Inequality
- d/ Responsible Consumption and Production
- d/ Sustainable Cities and Communities
- d/ Zero Hunger

"Now if we had the power
To bring our neighbors home from war They woulda never missed a Christmas No more ribbons on their door And when you trust your television What you get is what you got 'Cause when they own the information, oh They can bend it all they want"Deck(s): 
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Hi Adi,
You asked me about Ukraine. I am really sad about the situation there and I stand strongly with Ukraine...
On the other side, thank you for joining the force and being part of the SENStation project.