The Elders

The Elders

The Elders organization was established by Nelson Mandela in 2007. This organization consists of a group of former leaders and influential individuals from around the world who work together to promote peace, human rights, and social justice.


Nelson Mandela envisioned the Elders as a group of experienced and wise individuals who could use their collective knowledge and influence to tackle some of the world's most pressing issues. The Elders are committed to addressing conflicts, promoting equality and justice, and advocating for the rights of vulnerable populations.


The Elders organization operates on the principles of impartiality and independence. They strive to engage with governments, civil society, and other stakeholders to bring about positive change. Through their extensive experience and leadership, the Elders aim to provide guidance and support to communities and individuals who are striving for a fairer and more peaceful world.


Under the leadership of Nelson Mandela, the Elders organization has played a crucial role in advocating for peace and human rights. Their efforts have helped to raise awareness about global issues, promote dialogue and reconciliation, and advance social justice initiatives.


To learn more about the Elders organization and their work, you can visit their official website here.

Day No. 21

The Elders

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